
Friday 16 December 2011


Although we’ve had it up on our YouTube page for a few days, we thought we’d post it on the site for those that haven’t seen it yet! We hope that you find it useful and that it answers any questions or doubts you may or may not have regarding the water bath treatment. 
We must stress the fact that the water MUST NOT be too hot as it will remove the coating that allows the ball to stick to your feet at high speeds. This coating is not present on all synthetic boots however, but it is present on the Mercurial line.

As you see in the video, we suggest that you remove your sock liners during the bathing process and insert them once you take the boots out. You should not dry the boot – apart from dabbing up the water resting where the sock liner should be, as the bathing process would have been a waste of time. The point of it is to allow the boots to mould to the feet due to the heat and moisture present on the boots.
We advise that you do not place your leather boots through this bathing process as it is likely to crack the leather.
We also find that 15-20 minutes is an adequate amount of time for the soaking process. Remember to insert the sock liners once you remove the boots from the bath/sink/bucket as well as pulling on your football socks so that the boot will mould exactly how you would want it to.
The whole point of this process is so that the synthetic materials soften up and mould to your foot – considerably reducing the breaking in period of a new pair of boots; something that is a nuisance with Mercurial boots.

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